Monday, May 25, 2009

Track 3. (I got issues)

As I sit here drinkin my Tahitian Treat fruit punch, (yes, it's a real beverage) a thought occurred to me, about my new journey into the internets. I'm already riding the fine line of contradiction. I'm on the internets, sprewing forth my life,opinions and other facets under a another name.

How many times have you read an opinion,or some other jibberish from another party, and its under a nickname, or some user name s**t?. I understand to a certain extent, why people protect their idenities. With all the...what's the technical term....oh yeah, idiot ass mofos out there,one has to take precautions to keep these idiots in their momma's basement only. (don't get it twisted, i'm in mom's guestroom. I'm bourgeois that way)On the other hand, if you're if you have the testicular fortitude to say it, then ride the wave with ya real name.

Ok, ok I'll compromise. I'll still continue my bullshit, but, I'll give you part of my name. You can never say I don't practice what I preach. So the next time you post something, if you're going to use those god-awful nicknames like "balls deep" or "pornostarr1" (fellas can you say inadequate penis) or "sexy"or "pretty" or "thick"(ladies can you say ya'll need a hug) hell, even Mayhemm09. Dat shit sounds like A. some "Worlds of Warcraft" s**t. B. I sing in a Slipknot tribute band. My name's Matt what's your's?

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