Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Track 17. (Public service announcement )

Testing 1,2,...testing 1,2,...what's good people? I wanted to drop a line to say..ONE LOVE (Always) and to let you guys know tha summer is in effect.(D'oh ) No matter where ya live, what color you are, or your sensability, you still could be a contributing factor in tha alert level escalating.

No i'm not talkin' about tha terrorist alerts (sheeet, that's tha easy one ) tha alerts i'm referring to are the Coonery,Beanery,Douchebaggery alerts. (C.B.D.) Understand, everyone's included. (except Asians/Chinese, ya NEVER see them on "Cops" ) NO RACIST DAMMIT. As it gets hotter tha days become more uncomfortable. let's keep in mind that we all don't do well in heat. Despite us negro folk coming from some hot regions and my hispanic bretheren, coming from some cookin' some Chorizo on a rock regions we don't do well (white folks you're a toss up. upper/middle class do well,poor white trash, not so much. )

No matter where ya from, if tha day reaches 90 or above, sometimes tha wrong decisions are made.We sometimes let our emotions guide us down a f#$@ed up path. We as people have to learn restraint this summer. In a time where the respect for life is at a low, we gotta stop contributing to the statistics.

I guess my point basically is.....PUT THA FRIGGIN GUNS DOWN!!! (I know I gotta stop shoutin' but s#$@! ) I don't give a s#$% about fist fights, you can walk away from those. But you can't walk away from bein' shot or stabbed. Its gotten to tha point where kids can't play on a friggin block no more.

To those stumbling across this rant and think this is not about them...fine. To those who actually had tha nerve to say f@#& you to this....guess what... this song is about you.

Let's keep tha alerts down to fashion and debauchery, not destruction.

For a play by play of tha alert levels Follow me on Twitter (MAYHEMM09) It's free. also hit me up to give me your status. No matter what happens....ONE LOVE.

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