Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Tourettes be ackin' up.

Sooo...I have her ankles, one in each hand, in tha air. And I get this queasy feelin'. It's gonna be one of two things. Either 1. Maybe that Strawberry scent down there , is a bit tooo intoxicating. or 2. I have a strange desire to reeeeallly just blurt some sh!t out.

Well...After I cleaned off "Mr Sandman", it occurred to me,*feels Dizzy* it's both. This is what happens (Sh!tPissPhuck) When I ( VulvaBallLicker) Don't take my (AzzFaceSipper) Meds. I (B!tchBetterHaveMyMoney) have Tourettes.

Wit that (CumStainVacumer) bein' said, I'll try my best to keep tha outbursts to tha followin'

- Why is it that we give credence to those negative people around us, (B!tchAssnessHaterSmallPenisesLooseVaginas) And we really never acknowledge those that genuinely love and care for us? (YoureThaFirstMyLastMyErryThing)

That's probably why your mind and life,are where they are now.(LowSelfEsteemNoSenseOfSelfDontknowYoSurroundings) It's not tha negative people around you doin' sh!t to you, it's you.(GetUpGetOutAndGetYourAzzSomeIntegrityCorky)

- Before you ride on that high horse (ArrogantAzzNoTalentAzzHack) and criticize others (PeopleThatLiveAndBreatheWhatTheyDo) about life, talent, or in general.(YouPickPeopleApartBecauseYouHaveNoGodGivenSenseOfPurpose) Take a good,long look in tha mirror (ElephantMan/Woman) before you render judgement on anybody else's life. one gets out of bed one day, lookin' to fail. It takes a certain strength, courage and passion, to get out here,and put yourself out here, for tha world to see. whether its a Ditchdigger, Hoe or Governor. Actor, musician, or .. uh..hell this cyber litter box I write, before you condemn it, soak it in, then say sumthin'. (OrYourWhinyAbsentOfHavingASoulBearingAzzCanTryToMusterUpEnoughBrainMatterToTryAndBeCreativeYourDamnSelfMakesYouThinkDontItTryingToKeepThisUpOnARegularBasisButSomeOfUsDo)

Note: Never Listen to Twista and be off your meds, not a good look.

As my meds kicked in, and I just read what I typed, I realized that I took a little of column A from one post, and a lil' from column B in anotha post and made.. a remix.

I, in a way repeated myself. Maybe this is God's way of sayin', it needed to be repeated this way. He's funny like that. ORRRRR... Maybe God's sayin' I gotta stop takin' NyQil,Wellbutrin and Tegretol as a smoothie.

*Puts on Ipod, Clicks on "Sniper Elite" by J.Dilla feat. DOOM. Turns Volume wayyyy tha Phuck up* Follow me.(Nullus)

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