Sunday, May 31, 2009

Track 7. (Hear the pain in my voice right...)

For those of us that have the daunting task of caring for our parents,at the stage of their lives where they may be the most vunerable, the task can be.... it can be... ok it can be a bitch.

I can't speak for your situation, but with many people i've talked to, the experience can range from humbling to tedious to damn near lookin' for a shovel and lime (no I have Speakin' from experience, it wears you down sometimes to keep someone else's affairs in order. You barely can keep your s**t straight, let alone the health and welfare of those, that still have to a point, a say in their own lives.

The thing that chaffes my azz, is the criticism that's heaved upon you by some parents. look, I hear you on the arguement that "it's just the aging talkin". But s**t, with aging must come with a great friggin' memory, because they seem to remember every screw up and f**k up, you have EVER been a part of. Sheeesh.

Then, then there's the mood swings. And i'm not talkin' bout any type of mental illiness. I'm talkin' bout the "i'm so proud of you to why can't do better" phase. To some, it seems like i'm bashing. But, i'm willing to bet a week's pay at tha "Stop and Shop" that i'm not alone.

Look,I love my parents with all of my everything. It's just that no one is ever prepared for takin' care of a another grown person, let alone two. but this is tha circle of life. If you are fortunate to live as long as your parents, someone whether it's your children or someone else, will have to do the same for you.

So I guess the moral of my therapy is, use the experience as an exercise in patience. Also after all that's said and done, your parents, as much as they grind the nerves, the wisdom that they share is priceless.

Now, get back in there and listen of how you should've invested in that, or should've married (your ex-loser's name here) Just know when tha time comes, you'll wish for these times back.

P.S!!!!! cheer up buttercup follow me on Twitter. mayhemm09. I need tha company.

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