Sunday, May 31, 2009

Track 8. ( I feel an attack comin' on..)

Why is it that when you slow down and catch up with yourself, the thoughts that you try to avoid, creep right tha hell up? It seems that every fear, every insecurity and every piece of bad intent, seems to take up residence in your head. Now, tha more you continue to think along those lines, the more it consumes you.

These thoughts have now moved from tha mind to becomin' negative actions. From drinkin', to medication (legal and illegal) we try to silence those thoughts.The truth is... there is only one way to confront those thoughts, OPEN YOUR FRIGGIN MIND TO A SOLUTION!

Sorry to yell but, we try too hard to avoid those things that need to be dealt with head f***in on. The more you accept these thoughts for what they are, the more you will find a healthier solution than drinkin' and drugs. Take it from me, a guy that thought Mescaline could make s**t go away. But after tha buzz left (and I woke up in my car drivin 90.... naked ) my s**t was still s**t.

Trust me i'm up to my waist in caca, but , I'm learnin' through even writin' this that there's other ways to cope. Bottom line you gotta open a dialogue with yourself. You can try the drugs (legal preferred) but ya system may not take too well. Drinkin'....need I say more. You're gonna do, What you wanna do regardless.

All I ask is be true to yourself. NOTHIN IS THAT BAD!!!!! had to holla that one so tha people who only understand s**t when it's bein' screamed at them understand. Oh f**k it, it's for you too. With love.

*Pauses* sips Tahitian Treat fruit punch and says.....Follow me on Twitter mayhemm09.... more interestin' ish.

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